Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Election Day Tuesday

Election Day Tuesday. Not a catchy title but hey I am more than excited for November 8th. Every Tuesday leading up to November 8th this theme will counting down the days left to election (26 days left). October 11th was the last day to register to vote. Back in 2008 when that day rolled around I was literally 6 months too late. Back in October 2008 I was only 17 years old.  Then, I was part of a small group of high school seniors that was too young to vote. And when I was able to vote in November 2012 I had two lectures and a four hour lab. The only thing I could do was sit at home and watch the results, fun times. Now I am part of another group of individuals who never had voted in the presidential election and I am not talking about those who just turned 18. I am talking about those who are in their 20’s who still have yet to vote.

This picture will be a great thing to have. It will be great not having to attend work or class to have the opportunity to vote. I feel now more than ever is the right time to vote. My mom has been beating this year’s election into my head for months now. She has made it my business to get registered to vote and to make sure I actually do go out and vote. She is dead set against Trump and wants to make sure that I get my voice heard this election period. She has put in a lot of energy watching debates (speaking of debates here is a link to the second debate) and seeing how the candidates are holding their ground. All I know is that if an inexperienced person is able to become president then why the Average Joe cannot become a lawyer without a degree and experience.

One of many blog sites to keep up on the events: Huffington Post

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